OTTL contexts just got easier with context inference

Selecting the right OTTL context for running statements can be challenging, even for experienced users. Choosing the correct option impacts both accuracy and efficiency, as using higher-level OTTL contexts can avoid unnecessary iterations through nested lower-level contexts.

To simplify this process, the OpenTelemetry community is excited to announce OTTL context inference support for the transform processor. This feature removes the need for users to understand the underlying context concept of OTTL, allowing them to focus solely on their data. It also improves statement processing efficiency by automatically selecting the most appropriate OTTL context. This optimization ensures that data transformations are both accurate and performant.

How does it work?

Starting with version 0.120.0, the transform processor supports two new context-inferred configuration styles. The first one offers a simpler and flatter approach, while the second closely resembles the existing configuration format.

Basic configuration

The basic configuration style simplifies configuration by allowing users to list all statements together, without worrying about OTTL contexts or extra configuration structures. This style support statements from multiple OTTL contexts and does not require grouping them separately.

To illustrate this, compare the following configuration:

metric_statements: - context: resource statements: - keep_keys(attributes, [""]) - context: metric statements: - set(description, "Sum") where type == "Sum" - convert_sum_to_gauge() where name == "system.processes.count" - context: datapoint statements: - limit(attributes, 100, [""])

With the new basic configuration style, the same logic is expressed more concisely by simply providing a list of statements:

metric_statements: - keep_keys(resource.attributes, [""]) - set(metric.description, "Sum") where metric.type == "Sum" - convert_sum_to_gauge() where == "system.processes.count" - limit(datapoint.attributes, 100, [""])

This streamlined approach enhances readability and makes configuration more intuitive. To use this configuration style, all paths in the statements must be prefixed with their respective OTTL contexts. These prefixes are required for all context-inferred configurations and serve as hints for selecting the best match. It also makes statements unambiguous and portable between components using OTTL.

Advanced configuration

The context-inferred advanced configuration style closely resembles the existing format and allows users to leverage the benefits of context inference while providing granular control over statement configurations, such as error_mode and conditions. For example, consider the following configuration:

metric_statements: - context: datapoint conditions: - resource.attributes[""] == "my.service" statements: - set(metric.description, "counter") where attributes["my.attr"] == "some"

The above can now be written as:

metric_statements: - conditions: - resource.attributes[""] == "my.service" statements: - set(metric.description, "counter") where datapoint.attributes["my.attr"] == "some"

In this example, the context value is omitted and is automatically inferred to datapoint, as it is the only OTTL context present in the statements that supports parsing both datapoint and metric data.

If we update the above configuration removing the datapoint usage:

metric_statements: - conditions: - resource.attributes[""] == "my.service" statements: - set(metric.description, "counter")

The context inferrer would select the metric OTTL context instead, since no data points are accessed. Although it would be possible to run the statements using the datapoint OTTL context, metric is the most efficient option.

Which configuration style should I choose?

The basic configuration style is best suited for scenarios where simplicity and ease of use are paramount. It is ideal for simple use cases where your configuration needs are straightforward and do not require the use of additional configurations keys, allowing you to quickly set up your statements with minimal effort and without needing to understand the underlying concept of OTTL contexts.

The advanced configuration style is more detailed and allows the use of additional configuration keys such as error_mode and conditions. It supports statements from multiple OTTL contexts. However, unlike the basic configuration style, it may require splitting them into separate configuration groups (see advanced config). In terms of performance, the advanced configuration is slightly faster than the basic configuration, making it a better choice for complex scenarios or configurations with a high number of statements.

Try it out

As we wrap up, we encourage users to explore this new functionality and take advantage of its benefits in their telemetry pipelines!

If you have any questions or suggestions, we’d love to hear from you! Join the conversation in the #otel-collector channel on the CNCF Slack workspace.